Today, some people in sharif are waiting for the admissions, and some others ... see :O\
============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
From: Zita Hui <
zitahui@yahoo. com>
============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
Dear Shahin Jabbari
I am pleased to inform you that the Computing Science Graduate
Admissions Committee will recommend to the Dean of the Faculty
of Graduate Studies and Research that you be admitted to our
MSc program as a full-time student.
I am also happy to offer you full financial support in the
form of a teaching assistantship.
The purpose of this email is just to let you know quickly about the
admission decision. You will also receive a letter from the Dean
once your admission is finalized (this might take a while, because the
Dean's office processes many admissions).
In the meantime, you might want to review our web site for details
about our research groups and activities.
We also have many applicants on our "waiting list" for admission,
so I would appreciate it if you could inform our Grad Coordinator,
Mrs Edith Drummond (
edith@cs.sfu. ca), if you are planning to
accept our offer or if you have decided to continue your education
Zita Hui
Graduate Student Services
Department of Computing Science
Simon Fraser UniversityOn Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 1:34 AM, Omid Aladini <
omidaladini@> wrote:
Don't even trust the email address. One can easily fake the sender's
address too. Check the email header and check the mailer host.
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 1:03 AM, heSSam kOOti <
hessam_reloaded@> wrote:
> it was obvious that it is fake since as they said, universities never email
> with Yahoo, but it is strange that the sender of this email has so many
> information about you and your admission!!! I think one of your friends was
> trying to make fun of you but it is much like "shookhi kargari" and "shookhi
> shahrestooni" to me.
> hess@m..
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: P Esfandiar <
pesfandiar@yahoo. com>
> To:
sharifce_applicants @yahoogroups. com> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 12:08:05 AM
> Subject: [sharifce_applicant s] Beware of admission period assholes!
> Hi,
> This email was sent to me today (At a time when SFU
> guys are all asleep, or at most praying!):
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> From: Zita Hui
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> Dear Pooya Esfandiar
> I am happy to inform you that the Computing Science
> Graduate
> Admissions Committee has changed its decision about
> your MSc admission
> and it wants you as a PhD student with 2 years
> fellowship, 30,000$ per year amount.
> The purpose of this email is just to let you know
> quickly about the
> admission decision.
> In the meantime, you might want to review our web site
> for details
> about our research groups and activities.
> Zita Hui
> Graduate Student Services
> Department of Computing Science
> Simon Fraser University
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> I got curious about this suspicious mail (after a
> period of excitement though!) and forwarded it to
> his/her official email. S/He responded so:
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> From: Zita Hui <>
> ============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ==
> Hi Pooya,
> We will never send anything to you through the yahoo
> email address. This is to confirm that it is a fake
> mail. Please disregard the email.
> Thanks for checking with us!
> Zita
P.S Do you agree that this figure is the most popular one in presentations here?:D especially when talking about an adversary or noise or any strange concept