
There is a verse for those who follow

This is my first view from the Machine Learning world. Hope to explore; Especially it seems that there are some blackholes and new religions appearing in this land

۱ نظر:

  1. salam
    nazm va ravabet beyne nemodaret taghriban irad dare vali na irad asasi va bara shoro khobeh
    faghat baram jalebeh age vaghean tazeh shoro kardi chejori in hame ravesh ro baladi keh ba deghat 90% ham dorost vasl shodand feleshhat?
    faghat dar haghe Unsupervised learning va Active learning zolm shodeh to in nemodar ta hododi
    fielde jakebyeh to halat kolli va mabahesesh kheili heuristic Based hast
    movafah bashi
